The finale to this year’s Summer Series has been postponed until Sunday 8th September. This, although frustrating, is a blessing as we will then have plenty of fresh stubble and access to two new areas of woodland!
The final round will be a 3hr hare and hound, commencing at 11am. The track will consist of the usual man made obstacles, as well as new stubble fields, woodland and grassland. This will be the longest hare and hound course of the year, with the lap being around 20 minutes long.
This will be the last event, before the winter warmer series starts on the 3rd November. Championship wise, all rounds will count, with trophies and prizes up for grabs in all classes.
Entry is via the ACU website as usual.(floow the link below) Numbers and final instructions will be released closer to the time. For more info do not hesitate to contact Em on 07551007880.